My Poems

The Ads

I'm sorry about all these ads at the end of my post
If they were cute and pretty they'd be easy to host
But as you can readily see some are totally gross
Every ad is like fish oil giving us an unwanted dose

I realize that I really have no reason to complain
To solve this problem doesn't take much of a brain
To keep ad free blogs for your followers and friends
Pay some money each month and all the ads will end

Author Eileen Clark 2022


My Paintings

September 2012

It was in September of 2012 that I created this blog I named, Books & Poems Coffee & Teas. I had learned about blogging from a friend on another website and I registered myself and started my first blog. I felt so silly writing things out to myself and no one listening to me or answering. In a short time I wandered over to other peoples blogs to see what they had to say and how there’s looked. After many months of trials and errors I got a response from someone and friends, I was hooked!  Then I discovered and fell in love with it. I do, I love WordPress.

Many of you have been following me for several years now and know my history. For any that don’t, I have rheumatoid arthritis and use a power chair to get  around. I hardly ever leave my home except for a doctors visit once a year if that often. That is why this website is so important to me by filling up my days and having the time pass quickly. I never get bored because I enjoy posting every day and getting your likes and your comments. I am using this ten year anniversary to thank you and I look forward to you coming back often. I would also like to thank for giving us this wonderful platform to express ourselves and keep in touch with our family and friends around the world.  My best regards, your fellow blogger, Eileen Clark

My Paintings

Make October Last
Fall is the most beautiful time of the year
The October air is crisp and remarkably clear 
Perfect for long walks on dirt country roads
Easing your mind from troublesome loads

Someone raked up a huge pile of leaves
Right in there front yard, what a big tease
I would gladly jump in if someone insists
Even an adult would find it hard to resist

I try to spend some time outside every single day
One windy night could blow all the leaves away
If I had my druthers I would fill my life with cheer
By making October be the twelve months in a year

Author Eileen Clark 2022