
I Love Honey Bunch !

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When I was in fifth grade a friend to my mom gave her several Honey Bunch books. They were her grown daughters that left them behind after she entered collage and no longer wanted them. I was not much of a reader, but after reading the first one that took me awhile, I eagerly read the next and the next and when I finished them all I wanted more. I wish I still had them  with me

The Honey Bunch series of books were part of the Stratemeyer Syndicate of books which included the series Nancy DrewHardy Boys and the Bobbsey Twins. This series was written under the pseudonym Helen Louise Thorndyke, and published for most of its life by Grosset & Dunlap. The series began in 1923 and chronicled Honey Bunch on various trips and adventures throughout the series.

The first sixteen were written by Josephine Lawrence:

  1. Honey Bunch: Just a Little Girl
  2. Honey Bunch: Her First Visit to the City
  3. Honey Bunch: Her First Days on the Farm
  4. Honey Bunch: Her First Visit to the Seashore
  5. Honey Bunch: Her First Little Garden, 1924
  6. Honey Bunch: Her First Days in Camp
  7. Honey Bunch: Her First Auto Tour
  8. Honey Bunch: Her First Trip on the Ocean
  9. Honey Bunch: Her First Trip West
  10. Honey Bunch: Her First Summer on an Island
  11. Honey Bunch: Her First Trip on the Great Lakes
  12. Honey Bunch: Her First Trip in an Airplane
  13. Honey Bunch: Her First Visit to the Zoo
  14. Honey Bunch: Her First Big Adventure
  15. Honey Bunch: Her First Big Parade
  16. Honey Bunch: Her First Little Mystery
  17. Honey Bunch: Her First Little Circus