My Cats

Say Goodbye to Little Girl

My cat Little Girl is about fourteen years old. She has been dealing with arthritis for a couple of years now. She has lived an exciting life in her younger years and has been living a very peaceful life in her older years.  Recent test show that she has acquired diabetes and rather then having her subjected to needles and more pain only to live a little bit longer we have chosen this path to take. She will be euthanized on Monday. She has been a huge part of my life and everyone knows the deep pain I will be feeling for some time no longer having her in my life. Our cats are our family.

Little Girl’s Resting Place
Little Girl

My Little Girl is a very old and sweet cat  Unlike her sister Dixie who is a total brat When LG walks by, Dixie gives her a swipe It happens daily yet LG never does gripe

Dixie walks around with a strut in her step Little Girl waddles and has lost all her pep This morning she woke up with a red eye It looked so awfully bad that I begin to cry

It's under control now with meds from our vet Dixie's bad behavior she hopes we might forget She walked up to Little Girl and sniffed her face Then lowering her head closer as if to embrace

Author Eileen Clark 2022

12 thoughts on “Say Goodbye to Little Girl

  1. Your poem is just lovely. I’m so sorry about LG.🩷🌸I know it’s so very painful as I lost my Cesare earlier this year. I still cry every time I think of of him.

    My condolences. xo


  2. Fly free Angel Little Girl. I am sorry about your loss, Eileen. We adopted our current cat, Callie, to fill the void when our previous cat died. She was 19 years old and we still miss her. Our pets are family and it’s hard when they depart. 😿

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    1. Thank you Eugi, she was a gem. I have Dixie still with me. She’s my black and white cat that is so opposite from LG. She’s mean and sassy and gave LG a hard time, But i love her very much too.

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      1. You’re welcome, Eileen. Our cat that died was very sweet and docile. The cat we have now is feisty and full of energy. We love both equally.

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