My Short Stories

My Little Girl  

I called her Sparkle when I first got her, it seemed fitting. She was so little and so cute that I kept saying little girl to her, your such a little girl or what a little girl you are.. She never showed any notice when I called her Sparkle but she would look right at me when ever I said little girl and would come to me, so Little Girl it is. I know it seems like all us old ladies call their pups or kittens little girl. I hear that from so many family members but I don’t care. If my cat likes her name and comes to that name when I call it, so be it. I allowed her to go out in the back yard and into the woods back their. It seems she met up with a male cat in that area because in time I noticed she was pregnant. I really didn’t mind because I had read that cats are more calm and gentle after having babies. I wanted one of her off springs, and wanted her to have one of her own children to keep. If she has three or don’t worry because they are already placed in nice homes. I’m keeping one as I said, my granddaughter is keeping one, my daughter is going to keep one, and a maybe from my neighbor. Then she will be fixed along with her offspring. I want everyone to know I’m a responsible pet owner. Being pregnant at a very young age hasn’t slowed her down one bit.

She is pretty much near the end and I’d hoped she would have settled down some and stay around the house and in the house, but no, she’s out all the time. She wants out first thing in the morning and stays out all day till dusk. Then she is at my door, just before I begin to worry, and it’s getting little dark. She does this every night. She’s gotten so big and her belly has dropped low. In the past few days I haven’t wanted to let her out but she cries and fusses and scratches the door till I can’t take it any more and I open the door and out she goes like a bullet.

Well it’s now 11:15 p.m. tonight and Little Girl has not come home yet. I’m just sick over it. I couldn’t eat my supper nor my midnight snack. There is only three reasons why she didn’t come home. Someone is keeping her in their house, she got hurt and can’t make it back to the house, or maybe she had her baby’s out their in the woods and can’t leave them because they would freeze to death. The temperature is dropping tonight and sleet and rain is expected and I’m frightened for my sweet cat. Gypsy is upset too because I’m sitting here crying and she keeps looking out the door. She finally started to meow meow at the door. I did, I let her out even though it’s this late, but Gypsy never wants out in the evening so I figure she knows I’m upset and she’s going to find Little Girl. It could happen, we’ll see. I’ll say good night for now even though I won’t be able to sleep tonight.     

By the time Gypsy came home I was exhausted and went to bed to tired to post anything. Gypsy came to the door about a half hour after she left. I let her in and searched the porch as much as I could from my door and no signs of Little Girl. I rolled down the covers on my bed and then got my PJ’s on. One more look out the door and then I’m shutting it and going to bed. There she is !  Little Girl was at the door. Needles to say we all went to bed and fell asleep very quickly. What I wondered the next day was, did Gypsy find Little Girl and scold her and tell her to get her furry little butt home, or did it just happen that Little Girl came home just fifteen minuets after Gypsy came in ? We’ll never know. Little Girl is not going out again until after she has her kittens.

I don’t know if I did the right thing or not. People often say , let nature take it’s course, and I’m the first to agree with that statement. Often when people interfere, thinking they have the answers , if things seem to be going the wrong way, if left alone things would have eventually worked out for the best. But I never experienced anything like I saw with LG after she lost all her kittens. Every cat my kids had, that got pregnant before we got them fixed, never lost all their young after two day’s. Sometimes one or even two would die because they were the runts and mama would push them out or the first baby worked so hard getting born, they would be weak and not make it. Mama cat would not seem to concerned because she had to move on and take care of her litter that survived.
Poor Little Girl. I had her box in a corner of my bathroom which is quite a good size room. Two day’s later when the baby’s all died, one by one they died, I removed the box. I felt she didn’t need to see it, an empty box, just their, that would not do. Well she would sit right where the box was and cry. I’m not kidding you, I would be busy doing what ever I do and I’d hear her , not a meow, not a howl or a growl as cats do, but a soft moan, I can’t explain it to you but it was pitiful. She did this for four days off and on.

I asked my granddaughter Chelsea to ask around and find out if anyone has new kittens ready to be placed in homes. I didn’t want one too young that I would have to feed it with a bottle but young enough that it might be able to nurse off of LG if LG were to let it. I wanted a girl, would be nice if it had neat markings, I like unusual cats. Six day’s later Chelsea found a cute black and white female kitten, nine weeks old for sale at a pet shop.
When Chelsea brought her in my living room, everyone, LG, Gypsy, and the new kitten growled and hissed at each other. I was happy to see the new member didn’t back off one bit but did her share of hissing and growling. Good, they all like each other and will get along just fine. As always, Gypsy could care less about the new kitten which I named Dixie, no idea why, guess it’s just a nice southern name. On the other hand LG and Dixie seemed to be at each other all the time. Dixie is something else which I’ll go into at a later date. Dixie does not have a normal meow. She opens her mouth and a little squeak comes out. Now it’s a bit longer but broken up so it sounds like squ…ee…ek.  Try to imagin how it sounded if that’s possible
Anyhow, I’d hear her squeaking very loudly and think LG was killing her. I finally broke them up one day because I was worried that maybe LG was upset with the fact that I would try and replace her baby’s and might be trying to actually do the new kitten in ! But no way. When I pulled them apart, LG walked away and Dixie went right after her and JUMPED her! and while doing that she was loudly squeaking. I’ve caught her doing that loud squeak when she doesn’t get her own way about something. What a faker!

Twelve days had gone by when one  Friday evening LG was sleeping on the chair in my living room. I was busy in my bedroom on my computer and I saw Dixie sneak out of my bedroom into the living room. I expected the howling and squeaking to start up but there was nothing but complete silents. I slowly rolled my wheelchair up to the doorway and peeked around the corner looking at the chair LG was sleeping on. I had figured, here we go again with her messing around with LG, disturbing her sleep and looking for trouble.
Wait a minute……. she is snuggling up under Little Girl’s tummy and I believe she’s nursing and LG is letting her, not only letting her but she’s cleaning and grooming Dixie while Dixie’s nursing, just like Mama cats do to there baby’s when nursing. WOW, amazing ! 

They are inseparable now. I guess I did do the right thing. 

It did happen, LG and  Dixie have bonded.  I don’t know if I did the right thing or not. People often say , let nature take it’s course, and I’m the first to agree with that statement. Often when people interfere, thinking they have the answers , things go arie, when if left alone, things would have eventually worked out for the best. But I never experienced anything like I saw with LG after she lost all her kittens. Every cat my kids had, that got pregnant before we got them fixed, never lost all their young after two day’s. Sometimes one or even two would die because they were the runts and Mama would push them out or the first baby worked so hard getting born, they would be weak and not make it. Mama cat would not seem to concerned because she had to move on and take care of her litter that survived.
Poor Little Girl. I had her box in a corner of my bathroom which is quite a good size room. Two day’s later when the baby’s all died, one by one they died, I removed the box. I felt she didn’t need to see it, an empty box, just their, that would not do. Well she would sit right where the box was and cry. I’m not kidding you, I would be busy doing what ever I do and I’d hear her , not a meow, not a howl or a growl as cats do, but a soft moan, I can’t explain it to you but it was pitiful. She did this for four days off and on.
I asked my granddaughter Chelsea to ask around and find out if anyone has new kittens ready to be placed in homes. I didn’t want one too young that I would have to feed it with a bottle but young enough that it might be able to nurse off of LG if LG were to let it. I wanted a girl, would be nice if it had neat markings, I like unusual cats. Six day’s later Chelsea found a cute black and white female kitten, nine weeks old for sale at a pet shop.
When Chelsea brought her in my living room, everyone, LG, Gypsy, and the new kitten growled and hissed at each other. I was happy to see the new member didn’t back off one bit but did her share of hissing and growling. Good, they all like each other and will get along just fine. As always, Gypsy could care less about the new kitten which I named Dixie, no idea why, guess it’s just a nice southern name. On the other hand LG and Dixie seemed to be at each other all the time. Dixie is something else which I’ll go into at a later date. Dixie does not have a normal meow. She opens her mouth and a little squeak comes out. Now it’s a bit longer but broken up so it sounds like squ…ee…ek. You got it.
Anyhow, I’d hear her squeaking very loudly and think LG was killing her. I finally broke them up one day because I was worried that maybe LG was upset with the fact that I would try and replace her baby’s and might be trying to actually do the new kitten in ! But no way. When I pulled them apart, LG walked away and Dixie went right after her and JUMPED her! and while doing that she was loudly squeaking. I’ve caught her doing that loud squeak when she doesn’t get her own way about something. What a faker!
Twelve days had gone by when one  Friday evening LG was sleeping on the chair in my living room. I was busy in my bedroom on my computer and I saw Dixie sneak out of my bedroom into the living room. I expected the howling and squeaking to start up but there was nothing but complete silents. I slowly rolled my wheelchair up to the doorway and peeked around the corner looking at the chair LG was sleeping on. I had figured, here we go again with her messing around with LG, disturbing her sleep and looking for trouble.
Wait a minute, she is snuggling up under Little Girl’s tummy and I believe she’s nursing and LG is letting her, not only letting her but she’s cleaning and grooming Dixie while Dixie’s nursing, just like Mama cats do to there baby’s when nursing. WOW, amazing ! They are inseparable now. I guess I did do the right thing.

Little Girl lived a good and happy and very much loved life for fifteen years. In May 2024 she had to be put to rest because she acquired  diabetes.

Author Eileen Clark May 2024

My Cats

Say Goodbye to Little Girl

My cat Little Girl is about fourteen years old. She has been dealing with arthritis for a couple of years now. She has lived an exciting life in her younger years and has been living a very peaceful life in her older years.  Recent test show that she has acquired diabetes and rather then having her subjected to needles and more pain only to live a little bit longer we have chosen this path to take. She will be euthanized on Monday. She has been a huge part of my life and everyone knows the deep pain I will be feeling for some time no longer having her in my life. Our cats are our family.

Little Girl’s Resting Place
Little Girl

My Little Girl is a very old and sweet cat  Unlike her sister Dixie who is a total brat When LG walks by, Dixie gives her a swipe It happens daily yet LG never does gripe

Dixie walks around with a strut in her step Little Girl waddles and has lost all her pep This morning she woke up with a red eye It looked so awfully bad that I begin to cry

It's under control now with meds from our vet Dixie's bad behavior she hopes we might forget She walked up to Little Girl and sniffed her face Then lowering her head closer as if to embrace

Author Eileen Clark 2022